Frequency Down

I'm Frank Hejl and this is my blog. Originally it was created to sort of resurrect my defunct radio show I did back in Texas for 3 years, but then I found out no one gave a shit! WEEEEEEEEE! So now it's basically me posting YouTube videos and artcles now and again. Stop by, enjoy and...whatever.

Friday, July 13, 2007

MST3K is Back!!! Sort of...

God bless Shout Factory (the best DVD company around)!

Here's the description of The Film Crew:
Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy, and Bill Corbett—three of the brilliantly insane minds behind the cult classic TV show Mystery Science Theater 3000—finally reunite to unleash their warped sense of humor on the cinema of yesteryear as The Film Crew. Charged with the task of giving all movies their own commentary tracks, the Film Crew valiantly steps forward to tackle the best of the worst, starting with Hollywood After Dark, which was chosen as the first release by MST fans in an online contest.
The Film Crew DVDs

Some MST3K goodness for old times sake...


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