Frequency Down

I'm Frank Hejl and this is my blog. Originally it was created to sort of resurrect my defunct radio show I did back in Texas for 3 years, but then I found out no one gave a shit! WEEEEEEEEE! So now it's basically me posting YouTube videos and artcles now and again. Stop by, enjoy and...whatever.

Monday, July 30, 2007

The Kids In The Hall!

It is my honest opinion that the The Kids In The Hall is probably the best sketch comedy show, ever.

So, it thrills me when I see this
Kids In The Hall Return!

Let's hope they go with an indie film company if they release another movie. Paramount screwed them pretty hard with Brain Candy (which is a movie I love, though).

Thanks to Vee for showing me this.

And for your enjoyment, a sketch from KITH!


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