Frequency Down

I'm Frank Hejl and this is my blog. Originally it was created to sort of resurrect my defunct radio show I did back in Texas for 3 years, but then I found out no one gave a shit! WEEEEEEEEE! So now it's basically me posting YouTube videos and artcles now and again. Stop by, enjoy and...whatever.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Obviosuly they didn't care enough to not torture us

Why is it everytime I hear Pete Cetera's voice my genitals recoil deep inside my body?

A Little Jaaaaaaaaam

JAM is easily one of the most fucked up sketch shows (hell, even shows) I have ever seen.
Imagine if David Lynch had a sketch comedy show. That is Jam.

This is one of the more accessible ones and one of my favorite sketches from the show.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Wow, it's been a good while since I've updated this bad boy. I've been very busy.
Not that it gets read a ton...that's obvious.


Here's a cool video from former Ash guitarist Charlotte Hatherly (yes, I had a crush on her as well).